At the SE end of Zemīte rectory
The Linden is very close to the highway, however, it is surrounded by other trees and is difficult to notice. There are no signs about the linden.
According to doubtful sources the linden with multi-forked branches which is located at Zemīte rectory had been an Idols’ Linden. It grows in the SE end of Zemīte rectory estate. The linden consists of 11 separate trunks. According to Ms Erodeja Kirillova, it had 14 trunks before, creating something that reminds a circumference with an opening towards the rectory. The remains of some fallen trunks are still visible today. The linden grows on the brink of a small elevation, next to it there are some planted decorative bushes which suggest some ancient formation, on the ground there are brick shards. All this might indicate that there was a pergola or some other construction in connection with the rectory garden. All together the linden is huge and impressive, however, the existance of a heathenish idol’s linden in the vicinity of the rectory is very questionable unless the rectory had been purposefully built close to the so-called Sacrificial Oak and Idol’s Linden and other traditions more acceptable to the church were associated with the linden.