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Māra’s Chambers


Māras kambari is located in Ģibuļi parish, Talsi Municipality

Māras kambari (caves) is a naturally formed cave system on the right bank of sandstone outcrop in the Abava Valley Nature Park. There is sign on the road Sabile–Renda. Free admission.


The complex consists of a canyon type ravine, on the upper part of which there is a spring waterfall. In the detritions of the ravine’s right bank, there are two caves, but in the left bank’s detritions – one cave. All three caves are small, nowadays dry, without springs. But their origin is that of sufosion process – the sandstone of the caves had been eroded by springs. The object has been widely known since the beginning of the 20th century.

A thorough description about the Māra’s Chambers was published in 1907 by a traveller Oskars Emīls Šmits, who had heard also tales that in the caves once plunderers were hiding. While looking for the treasure left by plunderers, there in 1903 the master of the Kaleši manor house of that time made orders to dig up the site, but nothing was found (according to other news they dug in the Māra’s Spring Cave but not in the Māra’s Chambers). O. E. Šmits logically explains also the name of the cave. He believed that once Catholic priests placed a picture of the Virgin Maria at the ancient cult cave. So the ancient cave’s name disappeared and instead of it the Latvian version of the name Mary appeared – Māra’s Chambers.

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