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Monument "Latgale Congress – 100"

Monument “Latgale Congress – 100” and square were opened on May 5, 2017 in honor of the centenary of the Latgale Congress.

Monument square location – next to the Atbrivosanas alley near to the lake Kovšu – was not chosen randomly: in 1917 here was located the cinema “Diana”, where was held the first day of the meeting of Congress. During the Congress the decision about whether to separate Latgale from Vitebsk province and unite with Kurzeme and Vidzeme regions. Creating a memorial site meta authors tried to reflect the fundamental role of the Latgalian Congress in the formation of the Latvian state.


On April 26-27, 197, Rezekne hosted the First Latgale Congress that made a decision that Latgale would join Kurzeme and Vidzeme in the united State of Latvia. This event was very important at both regional and national levels and give residents of Latgale an opportunity to consciously join the united state together with other historical regions of Latvia.

To celebrate the centenary of the Latgale Congress, the monument Latgale Congress 100 was opened on May 5, 2017. It marks the place where the Diana cinema that hosted the first day of the congress was located in 1917.

The monument is made of three Latvian boulders that symbolise historical regions of Latgale, Kurzeme and Vidzeme. The memorial site embodies the idea of a road junction in the name of a common idea of the united Latvia. Words once said by an outstanding Latgalian politician Francis Trasuns (Francis Trasuns) are carved in the monument: “Varai pīdar laiceiba, taisneibai – myužeiba” (Authorities have time, while people have eternity) as well as an inscription that informs about the timeline of the congress.

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