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Garsene Lutheran Church

Today, the visible Lutheran church is the third church in a row that has been in Garsene. The first church mentioned in the 16th century Visiting acts – from the wooden built St. George church; the second church, which was consecrated and opened on July 5, 1792, was built of boulders. The congregation grew, had a need for more space worshipers, so boulder church demolished in 1904 to replaced by a wider, now viewable church. New Church (consecrated on October 1, 1906) is also the last Garsene Baron von Budberg tribute to his early deceased wife, an Englishwoman by nationality, Gertrude VorsaBudberga. Church construction, use of local building materials, led by architect Edward Kupfer.

In 1988 the church tower imposed new copper tin roof. Spire sphere into a capsule with a message for Garsene history.

1991 was carried out of the church altar parts repair (painted ceilings, walls), restored vaults inscription –  “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.”

Services: every second and fourth Sunday at 13:00 pm.

Next to the church – the middle of the cemetery, in classical style built chapel (1906, architect Eduard Kupfers, which is a tribute to Baron Budberg his early deceased wife Baroness Vorsa Budberga.

„Mierlauki”, Gārsene, Gārsene parish
+ 371 26367150
+ 371 29429620

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