Vārme Manor

The manor was built by a German baron Brincken. Rare species of trees can be found in the school park – Weymouth pine, white pine, mountain pine, European larch, dotted hawthorn, beech, American ash tree, grey walnut, white aspen, balsam asp and the snow-white aspen.

Vārme Manor (Latvian: Vārmes muižas pils) is a manor house in Vārme Parish, Kuldīga Municipality, in the historical region of Courland, in western Latvia.

The manor house was built in 1830 by Baron Brinken. Since 1926 it houses the Vārme primary school. In May 2016, the school celebrated its 90th anniversary.

Manor park
Rare tree species grow in the formerly manor and now school park - Weymouth pine, Mountain pine, European larch, Dotted hawthorn, European beech, American ash, White walnut, White aspen, Balsam poplar, Silver poplar.

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