Tortoiseshells (Aglais)
Aglais is a Holarctic genus of brush-footed butterflies, containing the tortoiseshells. This genus is sometimes included as a subgenus of Nymphalis, which also includes tortoiseshells, but it is usually considered to be separate.
- Aglais ichnusa Hübner, 1819 – Corsican small tortoiseshell
- Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758) - European peacock butterfly
- Aglais caschmirensis (Kollar, 1844) – Indian tortoiseshell
- Aglais ladakensis (Moore, 1882) – Ladakh tortoiseshell
- Aglais milberti (Godart, 1819) – Milbert's tortoiseshell or fire-rim tortoiseshell
- Aglais rizana (Moore, 1872) – mountain tortoiseshell
- Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) – small tortoiseshell
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