Sātiņi ponds

Location: Sātiņi Ponds, Bitītes, Novadnieki Parish

Suggested starting point: At Sātiņi ponds information stand

Distance: 1,8 km (one way)

Type: Out&back

Open: It is advised to inform the land owner upon arrival – see information sign at the start of the trail

Trail administrator: Land owner – Anatolijs Grigorjevs, +371 29165144
Bird watching tower – Saldus County Municipality, +371 63807950, dome@saldus.lv

Sātiņi ponds is a nature reserve, which is part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, with an artificially constructed pond complex located 8 km from Saldus. They cover a territory of 3780 ha with 30 ponds. Sātiņi ponds are distinguished with a large number of birds during nesting and migration periods. The nearby forests provide shelter to many protected bird and bat species. A bird watching tower is located at the end of the trail together with an information stand on bird species present in the territory as well as services available for tourists.

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