Stende Lutheran Church
The present masonry church of Stende was built with interruptions from 1668 to 1751. The founders of the church are von der Brüggen family. It is a typical 17th century church of Kurzeme – a simple elongated single-aisle building with polygonal choir and a tower with polygonal spire adorn with a rooster and a cross; the sacristy was attached later. The church has never been extended or rebuilt. It was repaired several times, the last time from 1997 to 2004. The altar and the pulpit have remained from the times when church was first finished. The furnishings of the church characterise the original process of the church interior art of the middle of 18th century – adjusting of the Classical trends to the South Catholic Baroque altar type.
Interesting is also the smallest organ in Latvia, built by E. F. Walker firm in 1898. Though the organ is small, thanks to some skilfully intoned registers, acoustically it fills the room very well. In 1934 there was placed a tablet dedicated to 43 parishioners of Stende that were killed in Latvian battles for independence and during the World War I.