Palsmane Lutheran Church

There were two wooden churches in Palsmane until now, the first was built at the begining of 17th century, the second in 1655. The present stone church was consecrated on October 16, 1817, and its construction was organized by Pastor Friedrich Daniel Varian, and the funds for the construction of the church were donated by local farmers and the Baroness of Palsmane manor Pauline von Cullen.

This classicist-style octagonal shaped stone building with a bell tower on one side and oak interior finish belongs to the type of centrist churches, which was once especially common in Vidzeme, whereas today it is considered a great rarity. The organ was installed in 1878. The church bell and the altar painting were consecrated in 1892. The altar painting is the work of the Italian painter Giovanni Bellini.

Palsmane’s congregation has existed since 1621, but Palsmane got it’s pastor only in 1697. Some of it’s pastors are mentioned separately. Swante Dres – a notable singer, many of whose lyrics can be found in old songbooks, Friedrik Bernhard Blaufi – member of the commission of the 2nd edition of the Bible, Friedrik Daniel Varian – poet, cartographer, songwriter who gave his entire working life to Palsmane.

The construction volume of the church has not changed significantly from its beginnings to the present day, but the tower was rebuilt in 1928, when the spire of the church tower was rebuilt and the bell hanging structure was raised one floor higher. Until 1928, the four-level tower of the eight-cornered church was crowned by an eight-cornered dome, but after the tower was rebuilt, the church acquired a pointed tower.

The church has been granted the status of a cultural and historical monument of national significance.

Next to the church there is a monument dedicated to the soldiers of the Palsmane congregation who fell in the Latvian War of Independence.

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