Ozolnieki Baptist Church

The birth of the Ozolnieku Baptist congregation can be considered August 10, 2003 when 20 Ozolnieki and Jelgava residents agreed to establish their congregation.

On May 8, 2004, the Religious Affairs Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia decided to register the Ozolnieki Baptist Church - an independent, autonomous religious organization that unites Christians belonging to the Baptist denomination on a voluntary basis. The church building was started in 2006. Architect of the church building - Ilga Tretyakova.

On June 4, 2010, the church building was to put into operationand a church opening service was held on July 18, 2010.

Church services and Sunday School are held every Sunday at 12:00. Prayer evenings take place on Wednesdays at 19:00.

Skolas Street 21, Ozolnieki, Latvia, LV 3018

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