
Neo-Gothic of or in a style of art and architecture that originated in the 19th century, characterized by the revival of medieval Gothic forms. In architecture it is manifested in pointed arches, vaulted ceilings, and mock fortifications.

The neo-Gothic style is an architectural style born in the middle of the 18th century in England. With the development of Romanticism, some enlightened amateurs such as Horace Walpole and William Beckford highly influenced the public's enthusiasm for the Middle Ages, Medieval arts and the new aesthetic quality known as the “picturesque”, as shown in the luxurious architectural follies of Fonhill Abbey or Strawberry Hill. In the 19th century, the neo-Gothic had its moment of glory with the works of Pugin and Ruskin; the London Parliament (1840-1860) is a famous example of the style.

In the 19th century this movement had a powerful influence on the European and American arts.

It was in architecture that the style really flourished with Prosper Merimee, the founder of the FrenchMonuments Historiques museum, and Eugene Viollet-le-Duc, the architect who restored many French Gothic buildings.

Influenced by Medieval architecture, symmetry was dropped and houses were adorned with vertical framing and highly decorated corner gables. Public buildings, churches and large Bourgeois properties were adorned with crenelations, spires and gargoyles.

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