Mountain Blessing Community

Purification and rebirth
The purpose of the Community is to enable people to find their own way in this world of God,”using” only spiritual life and work therapy. Nature, the change of the seasons, the rituals of the countryside and the liturgical time, prayers, care for the maintenance of manor houses, the construction of the church, and the renewal of the school, are opportunities for purification and the chance to return to God.

There are places where, contrary to expectations, life opens abundantly and sometimes gives unexpected gifts. This is Brukna Mountain Blessing Community - Addiction Alternative Healing Center.

The community, founded by Catholic priest Andrejs Medins, his family and contemporaries in 2001, is credited with “God, Nature and Work”. In the Mountain Blessing Community faith is the basic rule of spiritual travel so that people that are injured do not further hurt themselves or others. The Community is ecumenical.It does not matter whether a person belongs to a confession, is an atheist, or is immune to spiritual searches. The most important thing is the conscious motivation to change your life, which is a voluntary choice. The Community Community has strict unconditional rules aimed at disciplining people in internal and external manifestations, promoting mutual cooperation, tolerance, and understanding of values. The Community is open to all cultural and artistic activities. Every year members of the Community go on a pilgrimage to nearby Aglona in Latvia, or Medjugorje, located near the Adriatic Sea.

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