Kapsēde Grand Boulder

This is the highest boulder in Latvia – 4.3 meters high. Its circumference is 16.5 meters and it weights 160 tons. The Grand Boulder is referred as a Protected Natural Object. Various legends have been told about the boulder.

Length – 5,5 m, width – 3,4 m, height – 4,2 m, circumference 16,5 m, volume of the largest piece – 60 m³. Three large pieces. Initial volume of the stone, before dividing in pieces – 80 – 110 m3. German soldiers chiseled inscription “Weltkrieg 1914 – 1916” during the 1st World War. Boulder is located on the bed of Baltic Glacial lake Legend about Devil who stole the boulder from the castle of Perkons (Thunder). Perkons caught him up and struck with lightning. Due to this boulder was split up in three parts.

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