Dzilezers and Riebezers lake nature trail

Dzilezers and Riebezers lake trail - Fees

Dziļezers – Riebezers trail is private nature trail that runs between two very close existing elongated lakes – Riebezers Lake and Dziļezers Lake.  

If you want to visit the trail, you should apply to trail owners in “Priedītes” – a short distance before the lakes.

Limbažu novads, Limbažu pagasts, "Priedītes", LV - 4001
+371 26725875
+371 26179055

Near the Priedīši homestead, there is a nature trail which allows visitors to study Lake Dziļezers and the surroundings. There are various lakes in this region which are found in a depression left behind by the Ice Age – Lake Dziļezers, Lake Riebezers, Lake Mazezers, Lake Auziņš, Lake Skuja and Lake Bruņķītis are all there. Along their shores, there are various kinds of forests, including ones with broadleaf trees that are under environmental protection. The trail is 3km in length and will take an hour or so to traverse. This is a part of the environmentally restricted territory of Lake Dziļezers and Lake Riebezers.

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