Dauda waterfall

Location: Riga district, Sigulda municipality, on Dauda River 600 m downstreams from Jurbrenci, at the beginning of Dauda ravine.

Description: Water is falling over cemented sandstone, Devonian Amata formation. First (uper) step of waterfall is some 0,5 m high, second - 1,8 m high. Bith steps are close together and can be considered to be one fall.

The ca. 2.3 m high waterfall has developed at the place where the dolomite scarp from Pļaviņu suite and the yellowish-white ball-shaped sandstone from Amata suite meet. Behind the waterfall there is an impressive ravine (up to 40 m deep) of the river Dauda, which is rich in sandstone outcrops.

Dauda waterfall is located north-east of Sigulda Daudas river bed. The third biggest waterfall in Latvia. Height - 2,4 m, width - 1,5 - 2,5 m. Dauda or Lākturu River (upper reaches called Jurbrenčupīte, Ķillupīte - Liv's old name) starts in Sigulda parish above Vidzeme highway A2 and is the left bank tributary of the River Gauja.

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