Branku pavasaris 2023
Equestrian sports competition Branku pavasaris 2023 (Branku Spring 2023) organized by Equestrian sports club "Princis" took place in "Celmi" on April 22, 2023.
Purpose and tasks:
To popularize equestrian sports. Check the readiness of riders and horses.
Organizing Committee:
The competition is organized by JSK ´'Princis"
The main judge is Evita Baradovska
Compiler of the route - Sergejs Shakurov
Route No. 1. Management route;
Route No. 2. Height of obstacles up to 60 cm;
Route No. 3. Height of obstacles up to 80 cm;
Route No. 4. Obstacle height up to 100/110 cm with handicap.
A total of 233 starts were made!