(Begonia semperflorens) Wax begonia
Wax begonia is durable, ever-blooming plant that provides sweeping color in single or double blooms. Wax begonias can grow in full sun in all but the hottest and harshest climates. Give them as much bright light as possible. Water when the soil dries through the first half-inch, then water thoroughly and let drain. Established plants also require less water and can go for a long time between waterings. When you do water, make sure it's a thorough watering, then let the pot drain completely. Do not let them sit in water, which encourages root rot. They benefit from relatively lower humidity. Semperflorens should not be sprayed or subjected to especially high humidity as it will encourage powdery mildew on their leaves. They like it average to warm. As with all begonias, they do not like cold drafts and cannot tolerate freezing, but will thrive with temperatures in the 60s.
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