(Batrachium circinatum) Fan-leaved Water-crowfoot
Long-beak Watercup; Fan-leaved Water-crowfoot (Batrachium circinatum), fam. Ranunculaceae.
Perennial aquatic plant. The length of the stem varies depending on the depth of the growth site (usually 30-150 cm). Stem floating, branched. The plant has only submerged, filamentous pile-divided leaves. The leaves of the pile are at the same height; therefore the shape of the leaf is almost round. The leaves are shorter than the corresponding stem section. One flower at the ends of the branches, slightly above the surface of the water. Crown white at the base yellow. Fruit (nuts) and flower bed with hairs. Flowering from June to August.
Eurasian and North American species near the pole. Scandinavia only in the south.
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